Monday, February 2, 2009

Mark Teal

Mark Teal is in Stonyford, California

online casino Web Poll

Thursday, October 9, 2008

George H. Morris

George is located in Florida but does clinics all over the East Coast of the USA.

online casinos POLLS

Friday, September 26, 2008

Steve Heckaman

Steve Heckaman is located in Texas.

foreign exchange Flash Poll

Roger Seitzmeir

Roger Seitzmeir is located in Cape Coral, Florida.

affiliate program Poll

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Linda Tellington-Jones

Linda is an internationally known horse trainer. She lives in Hawaii when not on tour.
casinos poll

Tommy Garland

Tommy is a nationally known horse trainer that lives in Virgina.

forex Poll

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The economy has it's affects on the horse training industry

I was just about to add 2 more trainers that I knew personally to the list of trainers here but I have since found out that they have both hung up their riding helmets for good. The economy has done them in. One was a really nice trainer that turned show judge before calling it quits. The other one was a nasty backyard trainer (with a foul mouth) that was forced to leave the area she lived in because of development. Both are in other lines of work now.

The economy has forced both good and bad trainers out of business.